Making Castor Oil Packs, Homesteading & Ranching in the Ozarks!

                                                           ~How OHP Began~

In 2022, our family started an Etsy Shop, mainly to sell the wool from the Heritage Tunis Sheep we had.  We had been using the wool ourselves and enjoyed it. One fleece makes so much yarn, we'd decided to sell our extra wool on Etsy.

We also started selling castor oil packs, along with a few other items in our shop.
We'd been blessed to learn about their health benefits, as God was leading us in ways  to improve our own health. To our surprise, the castor oil packs were our best seller!

So, we started a website with our Ozark Heritage Products (OHP) Castor Oil Packs as the main item, with castor oil coming soon.  You'll still find a few other handmade items from our homestead here in the Ozarks, but we never did sell much wool!

                                           ~About Our Small Ranch & Homestead~

The Missouri Ozarks is a beautiful place full of pastures, hills, herbs, and trees.
Our ranch is located in these beautiful hills. (Pictures from around our place above.) We have raised Heritage Tunis Sheep for wool and meat, have Nubian Goats (for milk), various cattle, and Heritage breeds of farm collies, chickens, and guineas.

We use our wool to knit and crochet. We like doing various sewing projects as well.
We make square bales of hay in the summer months, and raise a large vegetable garden too.

"For thou shalt eat the labour of thine hands: happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee." Psalms 128:

Our children work along side of us, learning the "Heritage of the Ozarks."

We are thankful to God and our customers for blessing our shop and website.

And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Father.  Col. 3:23

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